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Indian Classical Music

Embark on a Melodic Journey : 8:00pm-9:00pm

  • 1 hour
  • 500 Indian rupees
  • KB Jacob Road

Service Description

Experience the Power of Live Indian Classical Music, Where Every Note Resonates with Your Soul! Prepare to be swept away by the mesmerizing beauty of music, an extraordinary art form that touches the deepest corners of our hearts. Close your eyes and envision yourself seated in a theater adorned with impeccable acoustics, as the enchanting melodies of Indian classical music fill the air. The mere thought of it sends shivers down your spine, but what if this extraordinary experience becomes your reality? Don't miss your chance to immerse yourself in a symphony of emotions, as you book your tickets to indulge in the captivating world of Indian classical music. Allow yourself to be transported by the strong vibrations, enchanting omkars, and the sheer beauty of lyrical compositions that will leave an everlasting imprint on your soul. Delight in the graceful nuances of Hindustani, the North Indian classical music that evokes a sense of depth and serenity. Experience the soul-stirring expressions of Carnatic, the rich musical tradition of South India, known for its intricate compositions and vibrant performances. Let the power of live Indian classical music embrace you, as you surrender to its ethereal charm and let it take you on an unforgettable journey. Book your tickets now.

Contact Details

  • Kerala Kathakali Centre, KB Jacob Road, Fort Nagar, Fort Kochi, Kochi, Kerala, India

    +91 989-586-0646

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